Login settings

The login settings are security settings for how long and complicated the passwords should be and how login is managed.

Login using AD
Set X only if your clinic uses Active Directory single sign on technology. Please note that an active directory login requires setup in the system and needs to be requested from Fertsoft.

Minimum length
The required minimum length of a password used by a user at the clinic. The value is in number of characters.

Upper case characters
Set the number of upper case letters to be required for a password (ex. ABC).

Lower case characters
Set the number of lower case letters to be required for a password (ex. abc).

Numerical characters
Set the number of numerical characters to be required for a password (ex. 123).

Special characters
Set the number of special characters to be required for a password (ex. %&=).

Password auto reset time limit
Set the maximum number of days a password will be valid for. After the set time the user will be required to change the password.