Embryo storage

This page contains a general overview of the contents for the Embryo work screen. Here you get an overview of embryos in storage, frozen embryos, collected oocytes and embryos but you can also manage import and export of embryos or oocytes.

The embryo storage tab (1) enables you to quickly get an overview of embryos in storage (2) and embryos that have been thawed (3). The most recent assessment scores and cryo storage details are shown.
From this page you can create a new FER stimulation (4) or view all details for each embryo (5).

EXCHANGE with release of 4.13.1+

The embryo storage tab (1) enables you to quickly get an overview of embryos in storage (2) and embryos that have been thawed (3). The most recent assessment scores and cryostorage details are shown.

From this page you can create a new FER stimulation (4) or view all details for each embryo (5).

Collected oocytes and embryos

The Collected oocytes and embryos - tab (1) enables you to quickly get an overview of all oocytes and embryos in storage with details about their use and progress.
From this page you can continue to the page of embryo details (3) or display a list of all orders of exported tissue (4).

EXCHANGE with release of 4.13.1+

Embryo export

If there are embryos in cryo storage, an "Export" button will be displayed.

EXCHANGE with release of 4.13.1+

Embryo import

For more information about importing embryos please continue  to the support platform of CSAM Fertsoft.

EXCHANGE with release of 4.13.1+