Global note

The information recorded in the global note field is displayed in all work screens. The Patient and Treatment screens have this functionality.

Since the global note is visible in all screens for the patient or couple, this is the place for specific information that all in the staff should now about. It's like a "sticky note" placed in front of a paper based chart or journal system.

Create a global note

To create, or open, the global note, click on the icon.

Click in the note area displayed and start to write or edit the global note.

Save a global note

The global note is in a pop over window. To save the content and to collapse the pop over window, just click outside the pop over.

Global note with content

If there is information in the global note, a yellow dot tells you there is something inside.

To take a quick look at the content of the global note, move your mouse on top of the icon and keep it still (hover).
A tip window will display the content briefly.

To read, or edit, the information in the pop over window, click on the icon.