Treatments and charts summary

This page contains a general overview of the contents for the summary work screen.


The treatment summary tab (1) is an overview of all treatments. It includes number of treatments of different kinds, any donations, OPU date and ID, number of eggs retrieved, number of embryos for ET and treatment result (4). There is also a summary of the number of oocytes and embryos in cryostorage, based on embryo age (2). There is also a possibility to add information about ART treatments at other clinics (3).

Woman's chart

The second tab (1) displays a summary of all chart notes (2) for the woman. If you click the chart, you get access to the full chart note.

Partner's chart

The third tab (1) displays a summary of all chart notes (2) for the partner. If you click the chart, you get access to the full chart note.