
No major bugs has been detected or reported to Fertsoft following release 4.7.


The button for ID check is now visible for users of the module variant TREATM_OPU_IDCheck.A.

Checkboxes for biopsy in thaw workscreen corrected. Previosly the checkbox for day 3 and day 6 was the same checkbox. This has been corrected and the button for filling in information about the biopsy now shows up on day 6 when the checkbox is checked.

Timeout for calls from LinnéFiler to ivfServices extended. This solves a time out problem with integrations to central birth registries in Norway (DIPS).

Transfer of information about frozen maturity when thawing oocytes in a "fresh" treatment has been corrected. Previously the information was not transfered to the correct field but was set in the field used to assess the thawed oocytes maturity.