Made changes to the SHIFT+ARROW functionality for moving information up or down a column. The function is now faster and does not produce erroneous characters.

Removed old fields for categorization of lab test results accoarding to when in the treatment they arrived. Function no lovner used. Changes made to Investigations workscreen.

Rectified a problem with the list view of planning list, extended list and statistical list not triggering access-log.

Correction of a dialog text on the Spermdonor page to be displayed in the language used by the system.

Corrected an issue with Active Directory login not authenticating.

Changed the functionality of donor acceptance to only be available on the identified donor record.

Corrected an issue with the import of payment records.

Corrected the Norwegian cell management functionality to work with new signature fields.

Corrected the Grade field on day 4 from D4_Score to D4_Grade. Upgrading will transfer any data from the field D4_Score to D4_Grade if the embryo column D4GR is configured.

Correction of the functionality that checks for expired infection tests.

Corrected an issue with the automatic freeze number button for import of embryos day 4.

Corrected an issue with the last imported embryo not showing immediately after import.

Reactivated the previously used check of OPU-date when creating oocytes. It is no longer possible to add oocytes if no OPU-date has been registered.

Corrected an issue with the functionality to move a sperm analysis from an identified patient to the corresponding anonymous donor record. THe function only moved one sample even if several were registered, now all analyses are moved when function is used.