Number of couples reserving/using a specific sperm donor

After feedback on the family rights/couple rights functionality, we have added more calculations around the family/couple rights of external sperm donors. To get a better overview, the interface on the external sperm donor workscreen has been changed so it is clear, what fields are connected to family/couple rights and what fields are calculation directly based on treatments.

The calculations are as followed:

Donor reservations available = Max no. of couples - (Assigned donor count + ( In use by no. of couples - Assigned and used))

- Max no. of couples: is manually entered
- Assigned donor count: is a calculation based on how many couples have this donor reserved on the partner page.
- In use by no. of couples: is the total number of couples, where there is a treatment with either a living child or an ongoing pregnancy.
- Assigned and used: is the total number of couples that have the donor reserved in the partner page and the donor has been used in a treatment which has an ongoing pregnancy or born child.