Bug fixes

Gray dot on buttons Donated cells, Scan and Follicleinfo in ET_Thaw added.
Gray dot on button Invited to study fixed.
Correction of EC field on D1 in embryo cultivation.
Removed possibility to edit the auto text before insertion into a letter.
Fixed a bug where the field "Age at contact" showed strange information for sperm donors.
Removed one of the fields in the sperm analisys intended to display the donor connected to the treatment that when no donor was involved but previously was involved could show the previously involved donor.
Correction of "Planned treatment" field on sperm analysis page and ext. sperm donor page.
Correction to include imported embryos in the summary of all embryos in cryostorage.
Correction to include imported embryos in the control of time limit for embryo age or woman´s age before thawing.
Correction on Lab-Investigation page to display results of patient or partner.
Correction of Lab-Investigation update method.
Correction of the transfer of infection test results to the treatment pages (stimulation pages specifically). The field for Anti-Hbc has been updated.
Corrected a bug where the AuditLog would not always have a value for User, UserID and/or UserSign.
Correction of a bug when creating a new letter to a patient's referring doctor.
Correction of the automatic signing of a field for process signing on OPU page.
Donated oocytes selected for export, was still available in the Oocyte Assignment tab at the Treatment Embryo Screen.
Corrected an issue with the creation of new FER treatments where the creation was not performed correctly and the fresh treatment being updated with new dates etc.
Correction of the calculation of D1-4 field on embryo page, summary tab, after clicking the "Summary" button.
Corrected the counter for performed FER treatments in pregnancy history module.
Correction of calculation of hours from hCG to OPU point of time.
Specified date and time of LH top in separate fields, so those fields are now displayed when only LH top is set.
Corrected an issue where the birth date was not added correctly to the database when registering a new patient.
Correted an issue where if navigating very fast the system locked the user into one window.
Correction of module PAT_WOM_PhysExamFile in order to have the access rights to delete a document.