Increased field security and validation for a number of key fields in the database.

Correction in Sperm Freeze so all fields from the first row are included when copied over to the rows below by pressing the button "Use values from first row".

Language correction of symbol codes in Treatment-List.

Translations for various labels and dialogues have been updated and corrected.

Tab-order correction for consecutive order in module variants/portals.

Correction in user management to make it impossible to register two different users with the same signature.

Correction of IUI-type field to only display AIH or AID when IUI was performed.

Corrected numerous date dialogues to work with new date format settings.

When a sperm analysis was created, the ID from the referral doctor stored in the patient record was not always transferred.

Increased the speed of Audit Log transfers, and fixed an error that produced a cascade error on the server.

Changed the scrolling behavior of portals in the patient embryo work screen and patient summary work screen.

Increased the loading speed of the To-Do list by removing unnecessary language reload trigger.

Added increased safety checks for upgrade data transfers to ensure that no data is inadvertently recalculated during the upgrade process.

Corrected the order of embryo scoring on the Day 3 tabs in the system to be consistent with the order on Embryo workscreen.

Added drop-down lists to register "Oocytes source", "Ooccyte Maturity" in Oocyte import, and "Oocyte source" and "Oocyte from" in the basic import information of embryos.

Corrections of user groups for increased security.

Corrected the field for CRL to be strictly numeric for increased safety.

Correction of variant PAT_CONT_NAMEDATE.C for Carte Fiscale (Italian National ID Nr.) in order to fit the new requirements for registering a patient.

Changed settings for registration/revoking a destruction/donation of an embryo once it is sent to cryoconservtion.

Sperm Analysis > Freeze page:
Correction of the format for the button "Use values in first row for all" to appear disabled when there are no sperm samples to freeze or information on more than two rows has been already registered.