Donated oocyte information

Information from donation event

The donors age at the donation event is stored in the field Oocyte_WomanAgeAtOPU
The number of oocytes retrieved at the donation event is stored in the field OocyteDonor_TotalOocytesAtOPU

Source of Oocyte

To display the information of the source of the oocyte, select OocyteSource in the Configuration Order.

The source of the oocyte will be always displayed as either "D" for "Donated" or "W" for "Woman´s treated own" oocytes.

Donor´s age of OPU

To display the information of the source of the oocyte, select Oocyte_WomanAgeAtOPU in the Configuration Order.

When an OPU is performed, the age of the donor at the date of the OPU is stored at the oocyte/embryo record in the field Oocyte_WomanAgeAtOPU.

Batch number

By request the batch nr. of the oocyte is displayed in the donated frozen and donated fresh oocytes of the donor record (tissue) as well as in the receiving patient´s treatment record (oocyte assignment).

Example of assignment with donated fresh oocytes.

Example of assignment with donated thawed oocytes.

See more oocyte information possible to display here.