Other Corrections in Patient component

Removed the buttons "Create" and "Cancel" from the tab order when you want to register a new patient couple. You have to click on them now by using the mouse.

Fixed a module that was not showing correctly in some places.

Corrected an issue with a user group not being able to access the consent storage file.

Lab Infection tests: In case the Chlamydia rest result for the partner is positive, a yellow warning note appears.
Correction in the script to register infection tests so you will be alerted when saving if there is a date of a test registered, but no result of it.

Other Corrections in Treatment component

Change of behaviour: calculation of On going pregnancy (used in calculation of donor use) has changed to give a zero result if born children has been recorded on the result screen of the treatment cycle.

The freeze log when thawing frozen oocytes/embryos have been updated to behave in the same way throughout the system, and to clear the relevant fields in the same way. Previously the logging had some holes and some of the previous data was not cleared properly.

Fertilization process & -material: Buttons in the module TREATM_EMB_Fert_Mtr will register a time stamp and add automatically the sign of the logged in user. In find mode no action is performed.

Added the field for the time stamp of ET on the Treatment > Thaw page > ET tab in case module TREATM_THAW_SumToET.A is configured.

Corrected a dialog to display the date in the local format.

Automatic freeze number: In find mode the #-button for automatic freeze number is either hidden or does not perform any action when clicked.

Added missing layout for printing prescription of drugs from Stim page > Drugs tab.

Corrections in other areas

Sperm Analysis page: Correction to exclude "Cancel Sperm Test"-button from tab-order. If you want to use the button, you need to click on it with the mouse.

Letters: Added the possibility to navigate to the planning component directly from the letter component.

Daily Planning: Correction of user access rights for a calendar layout and the ability to create new days in the calendar manually.

Payments: Added the functionality in Payments to prevent manually creating invoices with the same invoice number.

Login: Correction of Login process to make it more secure in case users with different user groups / access rights use the same device.

System Settings: In case the user registers as a decimal divider (ie. "." or ",") unlike the system settings of the computer, the behavior of moving up and down the fields has been modified with an error capture to explain to the user that the value in the current field is invalid. Then the script is cancelled.